Abbey’s Homework

Updated 2/16


  • Tenuto: Keyboard Notes A-G
  • Tenuto: Treble Clef C-G
  • Tenuto: Bass Clef F, G, C
  • 🎥 Take a video of at least one of your pieces showing technique and speed you’re proud of. I think you will really love being able to compare your progress down the road, and I also need to see how your at-home practice is going. It can be of just your hands if you’re nervous about being on camera.
  • Send me Tenuto scores and at least one video by Sunday evening. 📲
  • Don’t forget about your written theory work ✏️🎶
  • ⭐️AWESOME job not crossing your legs this week!!
  • Keeping rounded hand technique also went really well 👏
  • Have fun! 🙂

Tips & Resources

  • Keep up that great rounded hand shape!
  • If you are having trouble figuring out where to place your hands for any piece, please text me or have Mom/Dad help you. The same goes for having questions about what your left hand is doing for Scenic Train Ride, etc. Asking for help is a lot better than not knowing what to practice 👍
  • Metronome app


  • Finger numbers, keyboard notes A-G, and keeping a rounded hand shape are progressing well! 👍
  • Please have her send me a Tenuto update and at least one video showing a piece from her current assignments by Sunday evening. I didn’t receive scores last week, but I understand things get busy!
  • Students under 16 typically need a parent’s help establishing a routine time for practice and completing their written theory work 🙂 Help her choose a consistent time to play so practice becomes part of her normal routine. Keeping the days of the week consistent is the easiest way to do that. Ex: Monday-Thursday, Tuesday Thursday Saturday, etc. It also helps to have a set time of day! Ex: When she gets home from school, in the morning before school, or while dinner is being made. If you’re mixing weekdays and weekends, still try to keep a set time. Example: Tuesdays & Thursdays right after school, Saturday mornings before play/internet time, etc.
  • Set a specific day to do theory assignments (the earlier in the week the better). Some students do written work best with a parent sitting with them or nearby. She hasn’t completed any of the assigned theory work yet, please let me know if any of it isn’t making sense!
  • A lot of families use a home practice chart, where students earn a special privilege for meeting their goal for the week or a certain number of days over a few weeks. This can be an awesome incentive on days where enthusiasm is lacking. (I definitely balked at having to play on more than one occasion growing up, it’s perfectly normal!) Let me know whether or not you’d like me to make one, I can have it ready by next lesson!
  • Make sure to log practice days in her journal and sign it at the end of the week 📝✔️

Recital (no update)

  • I haven’t yet picked a date for our spring recital (probably April/May), but the theme will be “A Night at the Movies”. 🎞 It’s never to early to start thinking about potential piece(s) that she is interested in learning!
  • Due to COVID, in lieu of a traditional recital with 100+ attendees, we are doing a “virtual” performance. (I meet with students individually to record a video of their piece(s), and then edit a movie compilation of everyone’s performances).
  • Some students opt to dress up for their recording, and I love to encourage their creativity!
  • As we get further down the road, please let me know if there are questions I can answer, or anything I can do to help make Abbey’s recital piece a success!